Showing posts with label Sal Mineo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sal Mineo. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2007

Plato's adventures in variety-land

I complete this quartet of YT posters obsessed with very specific show-biz personalities with a Sal Mineo fan who has put up some mind-warping entertainment. First of all, I knew that Sal sang during his '50s heyday, but had no idea that he kept going up until the Shindig era:

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The most interesting thing about these singular-obsessed YouTube posters is that they sometimes don't bother to post the names of the other celebs appearing with their fave-rave. In this case, the Mineo fan didn't bother to post the names of the astounding group of panelists (Lee Marvin, Louis Nye, *and* Gypsy Rose Lee?) that accompanied Sal on the very short-lived The Celebrity Game.

Click here if the above doesn't work.

And the piece de resistance has to be this rock 'n' roll show that Mineo hosted, that appears to have either extreme short-lived or just a pilot. The poster only vaguely mentions Sal's cohost (one hint: he's on trial now for murder, da-doo-run-run-run).

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